Task 5

Experimental Type

We were asked to produce a poster design in response to the contest Poster for Tomorrow in where we would explore different and creative ways to experiment with typography.

I started by doing some sketches on my sketchbook as I decided to work with a water theme, relating to how we are all connected and the oceans between continents are not barriers.


Later ending up with this rough designIMG_1672

After deciding on my design I took a better photograph and cleaned it a bit on Photoshop.


I realised it was still missing something, like a bit of text at the bottom. Here’s the final result:




Task 4

Layouts and Grids

For this brief we were required to produce 3 different layouts for a recipe we would find online. In the first one we could only use 1 colour and 1 typeface, in the second one 2 colours and 2 typefaces, and for the third one 3 colours and 3 typefaces.

Here are my results:






 Task 3

Typeface Module

In this task Ben told us to do some research on various typefaces for inspiration to then create our own. I started by doing some sketches on my sketchbook to kind of have an idea of what I wanted my typeface to be, then in illustrator, after many changes and improvements in my plan I finished my module:

Here’s the final result: typographymodulestask

(Update: I’ve realised now that I forgot to design a “Q”, so the module is still incomplete)



Task 2

Type task and Monogram

This task required us to write our name in various fonts from existing typefaces using a range of different mark-making tools. (I used a fine-line pen; a sharpie; a pencil; and a biro pen)

After that we were asked to create a Monogram of our initials, here’s the final result:



Task 1

Our first task’s purpose was for us to find various types of different lettering or objects that reminded us of certain letters around the University in order to complete our name. Each letter had to reflect a little of our personality.
